Health and Fitness for Busy People
We want to be healthy and fit but when life gets busy we just can’t find the time to work out, to shop properly or to cook. So we’re hoping we’ll get back to it when we don’t have to stay at work until late or when we finish this project etc. And it’s getting harder and harder to actually start again. Which is why I have a few tips for on how to find the time to do something great for yourself.
Downsize to smaller plates
This might sound quite random but there’s a study to support it. Researchers from Cambridge University have found out that people who have eaten from smaller plates have consumed fewer calories per day. Although we might want to believe that how much we eat is a conscious choice, it’s really not so this is quite an easy way to affect the amount of food you eat – just buy smaller plates.
Walk when you talk
Use headphones (or a loudspeaker) when you’re on your phone and go out of the office for a walk or pace around the office even. It’s a great way to be active whilst on the phone.
Learn quick recipes and prepare your food
It’s easy to just grab something to eat in the supermarket after lunch or on your way to work when you’re feeling hungry but hunger is the enemy of discipline and you’re more likely to buy something unhealthy. It might not seem like it at first but if you learn some super quick recipes and prepare your food at home, you’ll actually save time, money and eat healthier compared to a quick run to a shop for a snack.
Drink more water
By simply drinking water when you wake up, at work and 30 minutes before a meal you’re already making great progress towards a healthier life. It literally takes no time to drink a glass of water so it’s the perfect way to integrate it into our busy lives. It’s the same if you’re used to buying bottled drinks, just leave the fizzy drinks in the shop, buy a bottle of water instead.
Choose a great workout outfit
It depends on whether you prefer a sports bra and hot pants or if you feel more comfortable in leggings and a t-shirt, but the result is the same for everyone. If you have a nice outfit to work out in, you’re much more likely to actually do it. So treat yourself to nice shorts, leggings, tops, bras and shoes (Christmas is the perfect opportunity to do so!) and get excited about wearing it!
Plan short workouts, take advantage of commercial breaks
If you can’t imagine fitting in a whole workout session or a class twice a week, start small. It’s a lot easier to convince yourself to do a 20-minute workout at home compared to an hour or two a trip to the gym would take. So create a short playlist (e.g. on Spotify) of your favourite happy songs, think of five moves you’ll do, do each for 30 seconds and after four rounds you’re done. 20 minutes is not that long and you can fit it in in the morning, after work or even during your lunch break if you wish to. If 20 minutes is too much, turn on your TV and work out in the commercial breaks. This way working out will become a part of your routine after some time. Trust me, you’ll feel much better!
Prepare your outfit
Well, you have a nice outfit, a workout plan and still not feeling like working out? The trick is to avoid all chances for excuses – prepare your outfit the day before so that you don’t have to waste time by looking for it once you’ve actually started thinking about working out.
This might look unrelated to health and fitness but it’s equally important to relax as it is to work out. And by relax I don’t mean eating a chocolate bar and drink a milkshake before bed while watching Netflix. I mean taking a bath (and watching Netflix), doing a few yoga moves or meditating, going to the cinema or away for the weekend even. Especially now, before Christmas, it really is important to slow down, switch off and enjoy the atmosphere.