Shooting the Colorama Limited Edition
Exciting times! You’ve probably noticed that the new Colorama Limited Edition is out since Monday and we are as happy about it as you are. Our blog is a great opportunity to tell you...
Exciting times! You’ve probably noticed that the new Colorama Limited Edition is out since Monday and we are as happy about it as you are. Our blog is a great opportunity to tell you...
Bendy Kate recently published her new book: Advanced Stretching Series and we were super happy that Dragonfly clothes were part of it. Since Bendy Kate herself says “It’s for polers, yogis, gymnasts, free runners, stunt...
The time has finally come and our Prismatic limited edition is now ready for you! And since you seem to love it as much as we do, we thought we could tell you a...
Do you enjoy wearing your activewear all the time? Then this song is dedicated to you. This unique masterpiece is definitely a must see! We cannot get this melody out of our minds, can...
Are you getting ready for your first pole dancing class and can’t decide what to wear? Basically, everything you’ll read about pole dancing will advise you to wear as little as possible. But what...
Jestli jste v poslední době četli článek nebo viděli video, které vás motivovalo to zkusit, pravděpodobně už víte, že cvičení jógy vás udrží zdravější, produktivnější, klidné a obecně spokojené. Jedná se o cvičení, které...
Už jsme mluvili o tom, co potřebujete ke cvičení jógy doma. Takže teď už máte vybavení, vhodné oblečení, místo a vše co potřebujete. Ale kde se správně naučit cvičit? Pokud nechcete utrácet peníze za...
Jste člověk, který chce každý den vyzkoušet něco nového? Tak to máme něco pro Vás. Vzrušující sport jménem highlining, který sice není jednoduchý, ale za to je prostě úchvatný. Highlining vznikl ze slackliningu, který...
Každý rok si dáváme novoroční předsevzetí v naději, že tentokrát to vydržíme a dostaneme se do kondice, budeme trávit čas tím, co máme rádi, budeme číst a více chodit ven, méně pracovat a snažit...
We put together five pole fitness videos in cooperation with Vertigo Fitness and this is the last one. All of them will help you strengthen the muscles and work on your technique on the pole....
We’ve already published almost all the videos we put together in cooperation with Vertigo Fitness. All of them will help you strengthen the muscles and work on your technique on the pole. The workouts...
We’ve put together a few pole fitness workouts in cooperation with Vertigo Fitness and this is the third one for you. All of them will help you strengthen the muscles and work on your technique...