7 Tips to Stay Healthy in Autumn
Autumn is beautiful, the red and golden fallen leaves and the crispy air have a calming effect and there’s nothing better than snuggling up in a cosy blanket with a warm cup of tea and a good book. However, it’s never too late to remind ourselves we need to take better care of our body (and mind) in the colder months, so let’s talk about how to avoid the cold and flu this season.
I. Get more sleep
This is an obvious one which we always seem to ignore for too long. You might get more done when you stay up late and wake up early but that extra work won’t pay off if you’re ill for the next two weeks. Sleep is a great immune-booster so leave your laptop in the living room and go get some rest.
II. Stay hydrated
Drinking enough water isn’t only important during the summer, staying hydrated will help you fight the germs and nourish your skin from within.
III. Take vitamin D
Getting enough vitamin D is important not only for strong bones but for your immune system as well. We usually get enough of it when our bare skin is exposed to sunlight (so if you’re wearing only a sports bra and hot pants in the summer, you’re basically doing it for your health, haha) but autumn is rather gloomy so go to your local pharmacy and discuss the possibility of taking vitamin D supplements.
IV. Buy food in season
Now is the time to include pumpkins, cranberries, parsnips, sweet potatoes, apples, pear or figs in your diet. There are so many tasty dishes that you could create using the food in season, e.g. a warm, creamy pumpkin soup or salads with apples, pears and blue cheese.
V. Eat more soup
Directly related to tip nr. 4 is to eat more soup. A hot soup has been found to help stop the accumulation of inflammatory white cell in the bronchial tubes, so that’s science telling you to eat some spicy pumpkin soup!
VI. Exercise
You might not feel like exercising but trust me, you’ll feel much better after going to the gym or even working out at home. The trick is to decide whether you prefer working out in the morning or in the evening and to prepare your workout clothes depending on that. If you plan to work out in the morning, prepare your sports bra, your short or leggings and shoes next to your bed so that you can change into the fitness outfit straight from your PJs. If you want to work out in the evening, do the same thing – prepare everything you need where you change from your work clothes. This way you’ll be more determined to actually go to your yoga class or gym.
VII. Look after yourself
These are quite simple tips that could help you improve your routine but the most important one is to look after yourself. It’s the perfect time to do so – the shorter days and longer nights are the best time to relax, to go on a wellness weekend or a yoga retreat, read a book, drink your favourite tea, etc. So relax, enjoy this time of the year and let us know what your tips for staying healthy in autumn are